Why Beautycounter? Because we deserve better!
I started using Beautycounter almost three years ago when one of my friends started talking to me about the products. I’ve tried lots of “natural” and “organic” brands since changing my lifestyle and they never met my standards. Organic doesn’t always mean safe. Lead, mercury, arsenic. You can have a tube of organic lipstick, that doesn’t mean there isn’t lead in it. After downloading the “Healthy Living” app, I found out that the reason why was because those products that were labeled as safe and non toxic were the exact opposite. I encourage you to download the app for yourself, start plugging in your beauty products and see what exactly you’re applying to your skin.
It can take less than a minute for the ingredients in your products to be absorbed into your skin. This might not freak you out but finding out what chemicals I was using in the products and what they are linked too really did! I didn’t just throw away everything at once and make the switch, I started with my most toxic products and worked my way down.
The area that I worked on the most after I had Nolan was baby products. Here is a list of a few chemicals found in well known baby products:
Formaldehyde –
In 2011, formaldehyde was classified as a “known human carcinogen” in a report by the National Toxicology Program, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Researchers found that long-term exposure to formaldehyde was linked to an increase in leukemia and brain cancer. It’s important to note that this exposure happened over many years, which is probably why manufacturers of products containing formaldehyde consider small amounts over a limited time reasonably safe.
Propylene Glycol –
This petroleum-based chemical absorbs liquids and maintains a uniform moisture level in antifreeze and many other consumer goods, including some brands of baby wipes. It’s well known and accepted that propylene glycol is dangerous in high doses, but it isn’t clear that small doses on the skin cause harm. At higher concentrations, it can cause skin irritation and contact dermatitis.
Fragrance –
Have you ever wondered what exactly, is in the “fragrance” that you see listed as an ingredient in so many products? You’re not alone. In most cases, though, the manufacturer won’t tell you. Although the ingredients are required to be listed under the fair packaging and labeling act, they can also be protected as “trade secrets.” The term fragrance could be used for thousands of different chemicals and sadly, you will never be able to know exactly what chemical it could be. Fragrance in products are linked to allergies and skin irritations.
Mineral Oil –
Baby oil is one of the most popular infant care products of all time. Used exactly as directed,there don’t appear to be any major safety concerns about it. However, children have developed serious respiratory problems by inhaling small amounts of mineral oil. Apparently, it prevents the tiny hairs in the airway from triggering a cough when the liquid is inhaled. Since there’s no coughing, the mineral oil can travel directly into the lungs and cause serious illness.
There are many more dangerous chemicals that are lurking in baby products so, I suggest you start checking the backs of your products for the ingredient list. You can look up any ingredient and most products on www.ewg.org/skindeep. This website breaks down ingredients and what issues they are linked too. It also shows you on a sale of 1-10 how toxic the product is.
If any of this makes you mad, like it made be after I started researching, you would be the perfect addition to joining the Beautycounter mission. We help people shop safer products, minimize exposure to chemicals, and educate themselves by researching the ingredients of the products they are using.
Beautycounter just dropped their NEW starter sets and they are at an even LOWER price! Right now you can become a part of this movement for safer beauty with:
• 25-35% commission on website sales (starts at 25% and goes up as your sales go up)
• 25% off EVERYTHING you want and a chance to purchase all new items at presale discounts
• ZERO commitments; no autoship; no monthly minimums to pay
• Complete freedom to work, make money and also freedom to stop at any time with no penalties
Cost to be a consultant: $85 (one year, $50 for annual renewal)
Start set prices:
$218 (Skin Care Classics)
$419 (Ultimate Face Collection)
$729 (Ultimate Head-to-Toe Collection)
•Purchase the middle or large package and get a $100 product credit!
•For a limited time: Purchase the large package and get a free Beautycounter+ Plumping Collection AND Balancing Collection (over a $300 value)
What other business costs as little as $303 to start up, making your full investment back within a month? What other mission is as powerful as ours? 🌟 #whybeautycounter #takethejob