What I’ve Learned About Potty Training

Happy Tuesday ya’ll! This week is jam packed with all the things and with this new season of my life I find that if I do not write things down, set alarms and give myself all the grace then I just can’t survive. One of the things we are hyper focused on is potty training with Scarlet Reese. This has been an interesting journey to say the least.
When we lived in Lake View over a year ago, I would try and get her to sit on her little potty and try but she had NO interest. We even went so far as to buy her Peppa Pig (her favorite) undies as an incentive. She just didn’t care. It wasn’t until about four months ago that she started asking to go potty. Scarlet Reese will be three in July and I know that that’s the normal age for kids to potty train. I will say with 100% honesty that kids cannot be forced and it will happen when they are ready. If you push it to quickly it makes them and you really frustrated.
Scarlet Reese goes to a local preschool and her teacher always puts her on the potty several times while she is there, this has been a huge help in her want to go. Seeing her little friends going to the potty and wanting to be a big girl. I knew from potty training Nolan and Harper that being on a 30 minute window of putting them on the toilet was most effective BUT I am so scatter brained I cannot remember to do that. Enter an alarm. I found this potty helper called the Potty Fun Watch and I cannot say enough amazing things about it.
Scarlet Reese got a pink Potty Fun Watch and she was BESIDE herself when she put it on. She loves pink and she loves watches so she got super tickled and excited when I explained what it is. The watch is really neat because it allows you to set timers on the watch and then a special song plays when it’s time to go potty. It’s been a huge lifesaver for us because it reminds me to take her to the bathroom and it makes her excited when she goes. She doesn’t go every time the watch goes off but it teaches her to go and try.
The next and more important part is the treat or prize for going potty. I mean it’s all about a reward, right? I alternate with Target dollar spot toys and Wedderspoon Manuka Honey lollipops. They love them and they are healthy. You can read more about them here. Whatever you decide to incentivize with it should be something that they get excited about but you can give in small qualities. Let me know about your potty training experience, what has worked for you and if you try any of these tips and tricks.