The Perfect Rainboots for my Littles
Finding balance as a mom is hard. It doesn’t matter if you’re single, married, one kid or three, working or not, life with Little’s is crazy. Some days I feel like I have it figured out and others I don’t. The most important thing that I’ve learned along to way to give myself grace and be happy with what I have. I am thankful that I am their mama. I’ve waited my entire life to become a mom. Isn’t it kind of like going clubbing as the sober one? Yea! I’ve cleaned up puke, spilled drinks, and more messes than I can count. These little people are mine and they won’t be this little for very long. Sometimes I find myself just staring at Nolan because I cannot believe how much he is growing! I reflect back on the days where it was just him and I and I can’t believe so much has changed in these years.
South Carolina blesses us with warm weather during the winter (not all of the time but a lot!) so we take advantage and head outdoors. One thing that can always get me out of a mom funk is going somewhere like the beach, park or the pond down the road to feed the ducks. I love watching Nolan teach and talk to Harper while we’re out. It makes my heart so happy when he takes the time to show her things he knows and protect her in certain situations. She looks up to him and is his constant shadow.
These rain boots from JoJo Maman Bebe have come in hand this season during our pond and rainy day outings. Kids LOVE rain boots and these come in a variety of colors and won’t break the bank (you can even save $10 when you order more than one pair!). These would make great Easter gifts! Check them out on the Jojo Maman Bebe website and see for yourself!