• Marriage

    Ask Me Anything: Marriage Questions

    Photography by Second Floor Media, styled by Mosaic Clothing. I’ve been married to Derrek for almost 9 years. In no way does this make me a marriage expert. I’ve learned A LOT during this chapter of my life and I am sure as time goes on, that will continue. I can honestly say that I’ve grown the most as a person during our marriage and I am so thankful of all the changes that have occurred in us both. Derrek and I have an interesting story, in my opinion, because we met through someone that he was on a date with. I honestly thought he was super weird when I…

  • Marriage

    Marriage Tips While You’re Stuck At Home

    Since we are currently under a we-don’t-know-when-life-will-go-back-to-normal schedule, I thought I would do everyone a favor and share a little marriage advice that I have for being in super close quarters 24/7 with your spouse. Because Derrek and I have multiple children who are all small in age, I get asked so many questions about my marriage. It’s not perfect so let’s just go ahead and put that out there. We are happy and love each other and are very committed to working on things that we need to work on in order to grow together and not apart. For those of you that don’t know, Derrek and I have…