Magical Organic Cold Brew Coffee
I like to think of my morning coffee as my magic potion and I add a lot of supplements to it to benefit my body. I often get asked about them so it only seemed fitting to give y’all a solid place to reference if you want to try my morning cocktail – minus the booze. I’m gonna be real with you though… nothing can beat an organic caramel latte with oat milk from Bean Bar in Florence though. On the mornings I don’t go to Bean Bar, I make a cold brew coffee at home. Why cold brew you ask? The benefits of drinking cold brew are extensive. It’s…
Mama’s Magic Coffee
Good mornin’, good mornin’ y’all! I don’t know about you but I have to start my day with a big ole cup of coffee. I’ve never been a coffee drinker but after I had Scarlet Reese something in my body just needed the perk. I’m breastfeeding so I just drink a cup a day but I savor that cup SO much y’all! I tried cold brew coffee and that’s the type that I really enjoy. The flavor to me is so much better than regular coffee and the nutritional benefits would have swayed me if the flavor didn’t. Cold-brewing is a style of coffee where the grounds soak on the countertop…