Reflecting with #forBetterBeginnings
As Scarlet Reese’s first birthday quickly approaches, Playtex Baby™, has inspired me to reflect on the past year with her and how it has changed me as a mom. With each of my children, I have grown as a woman, mom and friend. I learn so many things about my children and myself every single day. I can also say that with each baby, I have become more confident and laid back in my motherhood journey. This is a sponsored post however, all opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information.
I remember when Nolan was one, he had only eaten a few “solids” because I was insecure about the fact that someone else could feed him and he wouldn’t need to me to nurse as much. With Scarlet Reese, I know that she will still nurse and want me but I am very happy for all the help that I get from others and how much enjoyment they get from feeding her. When I was pregnant with Harper, I had constant thoughts of how I could ever love another child like I did Nolan and two children later, I have realized that I love them all equally but in many different ways.
Being confident as a mother has taken me a few years and I still learn and grow every single day but I can share that I am less anxious and more of a “go with the flow” type of person now. I’ve realized that I’ll never be on time and I need to be patient when the kids are going slow as molasses when heading out the door. I am thankful for help from others versus being insecure that they might “take my place.” The kids are growing so quickly that I make sure to take time away from electronics and distractions to enjoy them and where they are in their lives right now. It’s absolutely breathtaking knowing that their growth will continue every day and today won’t be the same as tomorrow.
Scarlet Reese has taken her sweet time since before she was born. Nolan and Harper were both born two weeks early, she was born two weeks late. The older two hit their milestones earlier than her but she makes us all enjoy them the same. Her first birthday is one week away and she’s a wiggly little thing and starting to walk. Every time she takes a few steps, it makes my heart skip a beat and tickles her other siblings to death.
Working with Playtex Baby™ has helped me think about #ForBetterBeginnings with each of my children and the nostalgia is real. I can’t imagine looking back at their lives when they graduate high school, college and eventually have children of their own. Childhood flies by so quickly, soak it all up while it’s all happening!