As the weeks fly by with this pregnancy, I am constantly reminded of how precious the two little toddlers are that spend every day with me. Some days, it’s easier to get frustrated than others, and on those days I like to speak affirmations, apply a ton of calming essential oils and remind myself that it’s my expections that are causing it and I shouldn’t be so bothered. Nolan and Harper are at that stage where they are into everything… Which means I am constantly cleaning up, explaining why they shouldn’t do this or that and reminding myself of my tone so that they learn patience and gentleness from me. It’s really tiring teaching someone constantly, so sometimes I just sit back and let them teach me!
Today, Nolan asked me if all mamas have milk and if all chickens make eggs… I thought that was so interesting that he made that connection and it’s mind blowing that he knows SO much! We have endless conversations about frogs, spiders, animals, lizards… Pretty much anything that moves he wants to know about it. I enjoy talking to him so much and I love his eagerness to learn. Even when he has asked me 100 questions and I feel like I’m going to flip out if I get asked another question… I just remind myself that it’s amazing that he is even asking the question that came out of his mouth. Harper has started forming sentences and makes me giggle so often when she speaks. She woke up the other morning and said “hey mommy!” So clearly and happy. It shocked me, but in a good way, and I just cracked up. My point is being present and realizing where I am in every single moment helps me appreciate my kids versus allowing them to frustrate me like I hear from other stay at home working moms. Trust me, some days I do lose it, and afterwards I’m so upset with myself. I feel like I’ve let them down because all that they know is ME. They don’t know that mommy needs a break for five seconds… They didn’t ask for this, I did! And realizing that is so powerful!!!! I just want to share a message with my fellow mamas and tell you that I’ve been there, at the end of the day frustrated and wishing I could just lock myself in the bathroom with a big glass of wine. Sometimes I still feel like that but then I stop and take a big deep breath and realize how precious my time is with the two kids that are looking up at me.