
Mom Truths from a Mom of Five: SELF CARE is a must

As a mom of five, I don’t get *tons* of alone time and there is most certainly always something to do.

I am thankful that my husband and I know how important self care is for both of us and we try to make it happen every week. This hasn’t always been the case and it really caused us to struggle mentally. 

Now that we’ve seen the positive benefits, I aim to shout from the roof tops just how important self care is for moms (and Dads) pulling their weight raising babies!

I’ve learned that self care isn’t “me first” it’s “me too.” We all deserve it and if you want to be able to do all the things and be all the things for your family, it’s important to make it a non negotiable.

How often are you taking time for yourself? Remember, it’s impossible to pour into others when your cup is empty.

Every day is a fresh start and an opportunity to do something small for yourself! It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture, don’t over think it. Just DO it.

Here are 20 ways you can self care in your life right now:

  1. Go for a walk
  2. Take a bubble bath 
  3. Practice yoga
  4. Read a book
  5. Go on a solo date
  6. Journal 
  7. Dance to your favorite music
  8. Get a massage 
  9. Color an adult coloring book
  10. Take a nap
  11. Cook your favorite meal
  12. Listen to a podcast
  13. Spend time outdoors in the sunshine
  14. Learn something new
  15. Buy yourself flowers
  16. Garden
  17. Sit on the beach
  18. Drink a cup of hot tea
  19. Read your Bible
  20. Meditate 

If you start adding any of these things into your daily mix, please share with me how beneficial it is! I would love to hear your stories and share more real life experiences with you.

(dress is from Rent the Runway. Boosts are from last season)