Hello Tan Goodbye Harmful Ingredients
Many of you do not know this about me but I used to be addicted to tanning. My teenage and early twenties were dedicated to being the tannest I could be and really thriving on being outside without sunscreen and in the tanning bed daily! Not only has this left my 30 year old skin in a state of repair because I now have to fix those issues I caused my self but now that I KNOW BETTER, it leaves me pale. Sometimes, I just don’t wanna be pale. Sometimes, I want a little extra color and this has led me to researching different non toxic brands of self tanners.
Why shouldn’t you use just any ole self tanner? Well, I challenge you to research the ingredients in the ones you would normally grab. Plug them into Environmental Working Group (www.ewg.org/skindeep) and see what the ingredients are linked too. The most common one is called DHA. This is an ingredient that I’ve found in several sunless tanners that mostly everyone knows about. A few years ago, ABC News lead an investigation that reported DHA has the potential to cause genetic alterations and DNA damage. Ummmm… no thanks! I want to get my amazing tan without all of that! Some of the studies reported that DHA can alter genes of multiple types of cells and organisms. Ya’ll, this is just ONE common ingredient in most mainstream self tanners.
All of this led me to a company called ECO TAN! Their company was founded by a women whose sister was diagnosed with Melanoma. After months of trying different ingredients, they formulated the products that they now sell today! I use their Face Tan Water and Body Tanning Lotion together to help me get color during the months I’m not out in the sun.
Face Tan Water – I use this product first. I apply on clean, dry skin (normally after my bath) and leave on for 8 hours. I love that it also helps with anti-aging and acne when you apply. You can apply multiple times to get the desired effect – I normally apply every 2-3 days to keep color. It’s made with all natural and organic ingredients and doesn’t really have a smell, so if you’re sensitive, I think it would work for you as well just test on a small spot of skin. A little bit goes a long way with this product, and after I apply I ALWAYS wash my hands.
Invisible Tan – I use this after I apply the Face Tan Water. It comes out in a lotion form, and I start at my feet and work my way up my body applying in a circular motion so I don’t leave streaks. For best results, you are supposed to let it set on your skin for 8 hours before you wash off. I always apply after a bath, put on my pjs and hop in our ALL WHITE BED. NOTHING comes off on our sheets. I cannot tell you how many times in the past that I have gotten a professional spray tan and gotten into bed and the next morning it looked like I had eaten Cheetos all night and rolled around in them, haha. I love how perfectly the color comes out with this lotion, and if you want a darker look you can reapply every day or every few days depending on the depth of color you want.
I really hope that you take my advice and head over to the Eco Tan website and buy these products for yourself! Keeping yourself healthy is what’s most important and if you like being tan, these organic products are the route for you!

One Comment
Sarah Drumheller
Growing up I lived in the land of no sun — northwest Pennsylvania — and my doctor actually told me TO tan to combat any seasonal depression I may get! It was expensive so I started working at a tanning salon and became a manager because FREE TANNING DUH. Have. The joke was on me because now I have to pay the price…spots pop up on me every now and then that I have to get checked out and usually removed. Scary stuff. Since I became smarter about this I use self tanner but hardly ever because it breaks me out, I hate the smell, and orange. Orange everywhere and on everything. Thank you for sharing these products! My mind is blown that your white bed is safe! Love it ☀️