Hello Monday!
Hello Monday, it’s nice to see you again… said no one ever! BLAH! I hate the beginning of the week after a long weekend, don’t ya’ll? I always get so spoiled not having to tend to the kids every waking second because Daddy is home with us. It’s also fun to be able to say “hey, I’m going to nap!” at any random point of the day. #winning
All jokes aside, I am still pregnant and just hit 40 weeks in my pregnancy. My husband and I both agree that this pregnancy has FLOWN by up until this point. Why is that? The rush, rush, rush of months passing then the slowness of waiting on the little bubbie to decide she wants to come join us. She’s probably like, “I can hear the craziness and I am just fine in here!” ha. Honestly, I don’t know when she will join us. Nolan and Harper were both two weeks early and Scarlet Reese was a week late… as I am just 40 weeks today, I feel like this little butter bean is going to grace us with her presence late. “Due dates” are really just “guess dates” and no doctor or midwife can tell you a specific time when the baby will decide to come. Babies grow at different rates so being patient is key in this last leg.
As I write this, it is 5:30 am and I have pregnancy insomnia for the first time. I woke up with a million things on my mind and acid re-flux (yuck) so, I decided to get up, shower and start my day. I’m sipping on Red Raspberry herb tea and enjoying the quiet before the kids wake. I have no clue what today will hold but I have high hopes that I tackle the five things I’ve written down on my “to-do” list and am able to enjoy the day with the kids. They ask me everyday if today is “THE DAY” and I can’t do anything but smile and say “I don’t know, baby!” We are all buzzing with excitement to meet her but I am sure once reality sets in that a newborn is with us, that might change. Maybe this bought of insomnia is my body’s way of prepping me for being up every 2-3 hours breastfeeding. Who knows?!
What are your plans for Monday? I am excited to see what today holds!