Family Game Night: Our Top Five

One of our favorite things to do as a family is play a fun game and have a family game night. I’ve done this since I was little, my Daddy and I used to play cards together when I spent the weekend with him. When Derrek and I started dating, we also played cards and as our older children have gotten to an age to understand a little better, we play with them.
Nolan and Harper get SO excited when it’s our family game night and I wanted to take a little bit to share how much of a positive light this has been in our lives as a family. I had no idea how much technology could creep in and really take over their minds and yours. I’ve found that I have to be very focused on not letting tablets or tv time go for hours. For our family personally, the kids entire demeanor changes after to much tech time so that’s another reason we focus on getting outside a lot and also doing other things like having a family game night.
We’ve tried so many family games but the follow five are hands down our favorites. We’ve rotated them weekly for a few years now and love them all. They are reasonability priced, appropriate for all ages and tons of fun. I hope you check them out and implement a family game night into your home routine. If you already have one in your home, please share what your favorite games are.