DockATot Deluxe
I cannot believe that we are going to have a third child by this summer! Being pregnant is so much fun for me (now that the morning sickness has passed). Nolan and Harper went to my ultrasound appointment, and I recorded it for Derrek so Nolan asks to watch the video of the baby pretty much every night. He kisses my belly and sings his version of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and he talks about the baby being his! He really loves little babies, and I know he is going to be really excited and helpful when his new little brother or sister comes along. Harper doesn’t quite understand yet but sometimes she points to my belly and says “baby.” I know once the baby is actually Earthside, she is going to be really interested in what’s going on as well. We have started receiving baby gifts and one of the items I have been most excited about receiving is a Deluxe sleeping and lounge pod from DockATot! Harper has the Grand DockATot and you can read the review for it here.
I’ve been trying to get the kids into a groove and understanding that a new little delicate being will be joining us in a few months, so one of the ways is by getting them used to the new baby items. One thing I did not do before I had Harper was set out the baby stuff of hers, so Nolan couldn’t understand why he couldn’t use the baby swing or use the baby’s paci. I felt like after I had Harper my hair should have turned grey from all the craziness that happened around here with two kids under two. One of the items I’ve been bringing out is the baby’s DockATot. The kids and I play baby by wrapping up a baby doll (and some times one of our dogs) in a swaddle blanket and attaching a paci. I’m also hoping that by doing it this early that they are excited to help me when the baby comes, haha.
I really love how great Harper sleeps in her DockATot during the day! Sometimes I take naps beside her depending on when I wake up that morning, and I scooch my Bump Nest pillow up to her DockATot and close my eyes. She is my Velcro baby so going from having to hold her in my arms every time she sleeps to having a little space to stretch out is easier for me to get some rest. I am excited for our new baby to lounge and take naps in his or her own little space (gotta love newborn sleeps)! Getting some rest while still accommodating your baby’s needs is the way I suggest keeping your sanity after you add another being to your life! I have teamed up with DockATot to giveaway a DELUXE pod to one of my followers! Head over to my Instagram to get all the deets on how to win!