Babywearing – a Motherhood Must

Babywearing is something that I do every single day. It’s how I accomplish cleaning, cooking or running errands. Looking back at being a first time mom, I really struggled more than I needed to because I didn’t babywear but I didn’t know anything about it at that point.
During the newborn phase, there is nothing better than putting on a wrap and feeling your little squish pressed against you like they are still in the womb. Derrek and myself have started babywearing more and more after each baby we add to the family. I started wearing Scarlet Reese the day after she was born and would wear her pretty much every day to accomplish housework, business, cooking and playing with the kids while Derrek was working. Babywearing helps bring you closer to your little one, physically and emotionally, while simultaneously giving you the freedom and comfort to take on daily life.
Not only are you able to get things accomplished like housework and getting yourself dressed without having to hear a crying baby, you can also grocery shop and go out in public without lugging around a heavy carseat. There is no way that I could go out with all the kids and not wear the youngest! Scarlet Reese or Mercy would take off running in public and I wouldn’t be able to catch them if I had to run with the car seat as well. There have been so many situations (including strangers trying to touch my infants) that baby wearing as proven so helpful. I also want to share a few things that I’ve learned in my 6 years of motherhood.
Did you know that baby wearing can:
-improve reflux
-encourage bonding
-promote healthy hip development
-reduce colic
-boost milk supply
I keep my Solly Baby wrap in my diaper bag so it’s always close by in case I need to throw it on. It’s amazing how quickly it can calm a baby down when you get them snuggled in a wrap! I always make sure that the baby is fed, has a clean diaper and a paci near by before she is put into the wrap. Within minutes of being worn, my littles are out like a light.
Oh, another really important thing to remember is to fan those shoulder straps out! When wearing for an extended time, it makes it so much more comfortable to distribute the weight by spreading the shoulder straps out wider. I have a tutorial on my instagram that I would love to share with you mama’s that feel confused with how to put on a wrap correctly, please feel free to watch it (over and over) until you feel comfortable with the steps. It becomes second hand knowledge once you do it repeatedly. When I am babywearing in public, I like to put my wrap on in the car or at home so it doesn’t drag the ground and get dirty.