Spring Essential Oil Diffuser Blends

Happy Tuesday friends! I don’t know about you but this weather gives me all the good feels. Even though it has been raining more during the weekends than I would like, we are dealing with it and enjoying all the warm weather and sunshine in between the rainstorms. I also found some amazing essential oil diffuser blends to use in our house and make it feel extra “Springy.”
We do not use candles in our household, only essential oils. We made this switch during my pregnancy with Nolan and have never regretted it since. Click here to read more about how scented candles are as toxic as diesel fumes and cigarettes. I have tried different brands of essential oils and this is the part that I will really emphasize for you – DO YOUR RESEARCH. Not all oils are created equality and most are not 100% oils. You can read more about my decision to skip candles and what oils and diffusers we use by clicking here.
Now, lets get back to the fun part of essential oils. It took a few months but purchased diffusers for every room of the house. Either myself or one of the older kids takes about 20 minutes every day to put an oil blend in the different diffusers in our house. This makes it smell amazing and really does bring that extra Spring cheer that we all love. Here are a few blends that we are loving right now.
1 drop Lemon 2 drops Lavender
1 drop Orange 2 drops Peppermint
2 drops Grapefruit 2 drops Lemon
1 drop Lime
3 drops Vetiver 4 drops Joy
3 drops Lemon 2 drops Lemon
5 drops Lemon 3 drops Purify
3 drops Peppermint 2 drops Lemon
2 drops Geranium 1 drop Rosemary

Hey! I think my phone is grouping these oil blends weird. I can’t tell where the blend begins/ends. Any chance you could email these?
Thank you!
Same here!
Amanda Scott
yes of course! I included it on my weekly newsletter.
I think your newsletter just had a link to this blog post? Is that right or did you also list out the blends there?