Winter Is A Comin’
The Winter Blues are here and are in full effect. Some days are better than others BUT not getting my regular dose of Vitamin D has a lot to do with it. Mama’s with small children, my hat goes off to you. There is ALWAYS something to do and the messes you have to clean up seem never ending. During all of this, I have realized how important self care is. We cannot pour from an empty cup, It is so important for us to remember that in order to keep all the balls in our court. Here are a few of my favorite ways to show myself self-care during the winter months.
Listen to a good podcast. I do this before the kids get up or while they are falling asleep at night, I’ll put in my earphones. I really like TED Talks Daily and Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations.
Go the gym. This 45-60 minutes alone working on myself is AMAZING. I clear my head during this time and get a good workout in. If you can’t get to the gym, download the Sweat App and head to a room by yourself.
Give yourself a spa day. I don’t get the luxury of heading out for a massage or a facial so I’ve learned to have my own at home. Beautycounter has amazing multimasking set that I have fallen in love with.
Head to your favorite restaurant and enjoy a meal…. ALONE. Yea, that’s right. Go out to eat BY YOURSELF. Without having to wrangle kids and savor every single bite you take. What mom normally gets to eat in peace? Yea, that answer is none.
Take a nap. I know that this might sound silly but getting the right amount of sleep is SO important. It can change everything if you get sleep. You don’t have brain fog or fatigue. Even 30 minutes can change your attitude.
These are just a few things that I have been making sure to incorporate into my life as the winter months progress. I am so thankful for ANY amount of time that I get to myself so I can recharge my batteries. I want to be the best version of myself for my loved ones and I know the only way to accomplish that I hope that this helps you and you do take