Back in Black for a Date Night Look
Oh y’all, someday soon, I’ll get back on a blogging schedule but until then, consider these your surprise reads, haha! I feel like every other day has some sort of activity that takes us away from home or I end up finishing the kids homeschool lessons when I was supposed to have “my work time.” But, it is what it is, and I don’t get mad. I know it’s all a season and it won’t be like this for long.
I left for my work trip last week and before, every time I would try and tear myself away from the kids for work, I would just look at them and run back and start playing with them. It’s such a catch 22 when you’re a mom because you want time away but then again you want them snuggled up around you.
I know that I don’t share a lot of “date night” looks but I feel like these are so important to share. “Date nights” when you’re married with three kids can become a thing of the past if you don’t make them happen and I have seen how much we vibe better when we do. Sometimes, I can be so swamped with everything else going on in life that my marriage doesn’t come first and it should always come first! This is the key to keeping your relationship happy and that has to happen in mine. Derrek is my best friend and just because we have little kids, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t connect with him one on one.
We had an impromptu date and it couldn’t have gone more perfectly. At 11 am two Saturdays ago, I said “let’s go on a date.” And I called our sitter and she came over for a few hours that afternoon while we went to dinner and coffee. It was so much fun and we had a blast. The kids had a blast with their sitter, Mrs. Winnie, as well. She has become a member of our family after being with us for months. We all love her so and are very appreciative for all of her time and love.
I cant stress to y’all enough how important family and spouse time is. Make conscious time to do both (at different times) and focus solely on the other people around you. It can do wonders for your relationships and your hearts!
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