Mother’s Day Photoshoot
my dress | bangles | Harper’s dress | bow | Nolan’s shirt | shorts
As Mother’s Day approaches, I am constantly reminded how amazing my life is (these gorgeous pictures from my Mother’s Day shoot helped me with those feelings.) Let me state that my life is NOT perfect and really very far from it. I experience ups and downs on a daily basis…BUT having two littles and another one on the way makes me forever grateful that I am at this point in my life. Five years ago, I would have NEVER thought I would be here, but I give thanks to God for showing me who’s really in charge! Being a mother is the most intense but magical thing I could have ever imagined. From the moment Nolan was born, I couldn’t ever think of how I could be selfish and put myself first again. They are my world–even when they drive me bat s—t crazy. I wouldn’t trade one moment of their crazy to be without them. I know that my parenting style isn’t for everyone, but it works perfectly for me. I get so restless when I am away from them for long periods of time. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate my “me” time, but I don’t need that much time to fill my cup again. If you follow me on Snapchat, you see my day to day routine with the kids at home. It’s crazy, but those little boogers make my heart skip a beat in the most unexpected ways. Being pregnant this Mother’s Day has my emotions in overdrive, and I find myself constantly reflecting on how much I really do cherish my time with my kids. Knowing that in a few short months we are adding another baby to the mix makes me more focused on spending quality time with them and giving them all of my attention. I really hope that this sappy post can help you focus on the sweet moments with your littles as your day approaches!
Photography by: KMP Imagery

One Comment
A fantastic team of suppliers the mother day images are just stunning