
What’s In My Purse AKA Diaper Bag

Shewwww, it’s been a week and it’s only Thursday! I know that I say this a lot but, I am trying SO HARD to maintain a consistent blog schedule. Unfortunately life has thrown several curve balls lately so it’s just not happening like I want it too! But, in the spirit of making lemons out of lemonade I promise that I’ll do better.

So many of ya’ll have asked about what diaper bag I carry and what it’s stocked with and I’m really excited to share an updated post about this. I think the last time I did this was three years ago and my oh my how things have changed. I have four children with another on the way and my oldest is seven so I’ve had seven years of trying different diaper bags and I can hands down say that it’s not something I’m fond of. I would rather just get a purse that’s a little larger and use that then lug around a diaper bag. Anyone else feel me on that?

I have a few purses that I use and love. I really don’t buy that many purses, I am more of a shoes type of gal SO my purses are very neutral so I can wear them with everything. My favorite purses are from a company called Parker Thatch. I was first introduced to Parker Thatch by Beautycounter after being gifted a bag during my trip to Washington, DC with them to advocate for safer beauty. Since then, my collection has grown by a few and I love each and every single one I have. They are the perfect size for daily use and a diaper bag.

Another thing that has changed over the course of my motherhood journey is what all I consider a necessity in my diaper bag. I remember my first outings with Nolan when he was a newborn and my diaper bag was over flowing with all the things I thought I would need including five sets of clothes, finger nail clippers (because what if he had a long nail that scratched him), toys, etc. Now, I take the bare essentials because I’m not going to kill my back with all the “what if’s” in the world.

I challenge you to really think about what you “need” when you’re out and about and if you feel like you need a ton of things to keep a little bag like a Thirty One tote in your car stocked with those things. Then, you can just pull whatever out of that instead of carrying it all in your bag. I did this a few years ago and it has really helped me. I keep diapers, wipes, changes of clothing, toys, snacks, waters, etc in a Tote that stays in the back of my car.

Now, on to what I actually keep in my purse. I am a very simple person, I do not like clutter, I actually like to organize and I feel so relaxed when life is in order. When everything is crazy and messy I get so anxious I can’t stand it. For this reason, I do a weekly purse purge and take out all the things that I didn’t use the week before. This takes less than five minutes, can be done in car line and really does help me feel better. Anyone else just feel better when they have organized spaces? My purse is one of those spaces!

For baby items in my purse, you will always find: 2 diapers, wipes, a food pouch, a change of clothes and a Paci for Mercy. That’s it. KEEP IT SIMPLE FOLKS! When little baby Scott joins us, I’ll add a Solly Baby Wrap in the mix, baby diapers and a change of clothes for baby Scott. Nothing else is needed!

For non baby items in my purse, you will always find: a snack bar for me, sunglasses, phone, a lipstick or two, umbrella, and wallet. I also have this zippered pouch that I picked up at Target in the clearance section to keep other little random things. I store smaller items like gum or mints, a hair tie, hand sanitizer, lotion, tissues, etc. This really does help keep my purse more organized and not overflowing!

What’s inside your diaper bag/purse? I would love to hear your staples and what you’ve learned to take out because you just don’t use it.