What Cooking with Green Chef has Taught me
As many of y’all know, I work from home. I spent most of my time home and we maybe eat out twice (if I am lucky) a week. This means that I am constantly in the kitchen making snacks and meals for everyone. This can get so tiring and also put me in a cooking rut and I feel like I am making the same things over and over and spending long periods of time in the kitchen. Enter Green Chef, the answer to my cooking prayers!
Green Chef is the only USDA-certified organic meal kit delivery service available. I’ve found their menu options to be super healthy, diverse and delicious. Whether you are a vegan or a carnivore, they have something for everyone. Signing up with Green Chef was a breeze and they have family sized portions so it works for all of us! Not only is it such a blessing to have everything show up at my door step ready to rock and roll, the meals only take 30 minutes to cook!
I have been able to step outside of my cooking comfort zone and learn so much from Green Chef recipes. Using different herbs and spices has been the most exciting thing for me because it’s something that’s very unfamiliar territory!
When you’re ready to try Green Chef, make sure to click this link to order. You will receive $50 off of your first box! Please let me know how you like it.