• Fashion

    The Perfect Dress for Your Maternity Wardrobe

    It’s crazy how summer just keeps flying by, am I right? Shewww, I feel like it just warmed up and now it’s almost time for school to start again! I know most people normally complain about summer and how awfully hot it is, and trust me, South Carolina feels like we are legit right beside the sun but I love it. I thrive best in summer and especially while pregnant! As long as I can wear a dress, I’m a-oh-k. There’s a saying that goes “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” And that is the case for my pregnancy staples. I have always been super pregnant during the summer…

  • Fashion

    Hippie Mama

    top | shorts | cowboy boots (similar) We have been enjoying our surroundings so much lately out in the country. I enjoy being a hermit and staying at home as much as possible. When I do travel, I try and pack 100 things in that time period instead of making multiple trips. One of the reasons I love it out here is how peaceful it is; it really helps me stay IN the moment and not care so much about what’s new at Target or who I can meet for lunch. Living out hereĀ helps me focus so much on what I have in my life and what my goals are.…