Let me tell y’all a little secret. My hair is my security blanket. I am still shocked at myself for cutting it… but all the post partum hair fall out and regrowth gave me no choice! After transitioning my personal care products (and adding a few kids in the mix), one of the things I kept reading about hair is that when you over wash it can cause a multitude of issues. I’ve dealt with psoriasis for many, many, many years and having those flare ups and sores in my scalp make me willing to try anything.
The non toxic shampoo and conditioner that I’ve found works best at clearing my psoriasis and giving me all the bounce and shine without making it greasy is, the Daily Shampoo and Conditioner by Beautycounter. I only use a little less than a dime sized amount of each, only shampoo my scalp and condition my ends and wha-lah, it works like magic. I replace my shampoo and conditioner about 4-5 months. So it also doesn’t break me financially to use it! I’m actually saving so much money now that I’ve started using this brand. When I first started cutting back on my washing, I did every other day, three days, four, etc until I worked to a week!
Of course, my hair does get oily at the end of the week but I use a non toxic “dry shampoo” aka a little bit of my mattify powder that I use to set my makeup. The smallest amount of powder soaks up the oil in my hair and on my face… #winning! Most dry shampoos are really toxic so it’s important to find a non toxic brand that works for your hair.
Now, let’s get to the part y’all really wanna know. The 411 on my curling wand. I am sure y’all think that I use some fancy smancy wand that costs a few hundred dollars but mine is less than $30 and Amazon Prime available. It comes with three wand attachments. I use the middle wand on my shorter hair and the larger wand when my hair is longer. I curl each piece (a sharpie size) away from my face and hold for ten seconds before moving on to the next piece.
Once I am finished curling, I normally don’t do anything to it and just let it be for about 30 minutes then flip my head over and finger comb. Most days, I do spray with the Beautycounter Volumizing Mist. This helps give me the extra volume that I am used to as a Southern woman! It also helps my random fly aways that are currently ruling my life because of post partum hair regrowth. I’ve had help growing my hair back by using Vital Proteins collagen. Have you had a chance to check them out?
Regardless of you wanting to go longer between washing’s or finding a non toxic shampoo and conditioner that works, I stand by the products I’ve talked about in this post. I’ve tried everything under the sun and after trying and using these specific ones for the last few years, I am in love and my hair is healthier than ever.

How do you use the mattify powder as dry shampoo? Do you dab it on using a brush?
Amanda Scott
yes maam!
I’m a huge beautycounter fan! However with my pixie cut I am needing some safer styling products such as a mouse or a balm. Do you have any other safer hair styling suggestions?
Thank you 🙂