Comparison is the Thief of Joy
dress | sunnies | shoes | lipstick
Looking through these pictures makes me miss my baby bump more than anything! The last few weeks of pregnancy can be so hard on you physically and mentally, it’s almost impossible not to wish for the end. I find myself missing my big round belly every day. Especially now that I’m in the fourth trimester and I am recovering with a deflated tummy. Harper asks me every day if I have another baby in there and it really takes a toll on my self confidence.
Y’all know I’ve tried to keep it real and that’s why I am sharing that about being insecure. It’s hard not to right after you’ve birthed a human and your days are spent covered in spit up and breastmilk. I am so in love with little Mercy girl but at the same time, I’m having to shove my insecure thoughts and feelings far far far out the window to keep my sanity.
There is no magical way to navigate motherhood. It is simply just being and trying to remember that there is no such thing as the perfect mom or wife or friend. Everyone has flaws and just learning to love yourself with them is the most powerful thing you can do. I remember taking this pictures feeling like a beached whale and now I wish I could go back and do it all over again!
I read a quote a while back about motherhood that really sums up my feelings. “Everything has changed and yet, I am more myself than I’ve ever been.” This resonates with my soul y’all! Becoming a mother has changed my life in every way possible but during all of this, I have really started to learn myself. It’s made me focus on my life as a whole and realize what’s important and what’s not. What brings joy to my life and what doesn’t.
Comparing my motherhood journey and my body to the mom on instagram with an expensive brand new suv, brand new house, wardrobe from Nordstrom and kids who never fight is just down right stupid. I’ve learned that she is just fronting and I can either do the same or KEEP IT REAL. So that’s what I’m choosing to do.
Yes, I have insecure thoughts about my body. Yes, I am renting a home instead of living in my dream house that was custom built. Yes, most of my clothes come from Target or Vici. Yes, my kids fight like cats and dogs. And yes, my life is far from perfect. With all of that being said, I wouldn’t trade places with anyone and I am thankful for the life I have.