Celebrating 2020
Looking at this headline you might be wondering what in the world I’m talking about to so let’s get to it. Contrary to popular belief, 2020 wasn’t completely horrible, there are silver linings in everything. I know that I cannot speak for everyone but I am always for celebrating wins and losses. Every year, I plan on incorporating a year in review on my blog. I WOULD LOVE NOTHING MORE than to hear that this has inspired you to do the same.
In case you want to do this for yourself, there are four categories we are going to break down our year in review into; what went well, what didn’t go well, what I am working towards in 2021 and my theme for 2021! This is a great way to look at all the things that you might have or might not have excelled in and gives you room to look forward at your future.
I’ve been able to be honest with myself about some changes I needed to make. I have always had a sailors mouth and working on removing those words from my vocabulary has been such a good thing. I knew I needed to do it and I am really happy with what has happened since working on that. I have started leaning into my bible and not into the world when it comes to my emotions and all aspects of my life. I have a bad habit of going to other people and asking them for advice instead of getting into my word and praying more for specific guidance in my life so I have vowed to myself that I will do better.
I have also put up major boundaries with myself and what I share. I saw myself using social media as more of a journal than a resource and I corrected that. The kids are another part of that boundary… I don’t share much about them on social media anymore. The internet majorly creeped me out to the point where I REALLY decided to stop.
I experienced major time at home with my family and was given the ability to slow down. I have so many things to do on a daily basis working multiple jobs and it’s been a blessing in disguise to spend more time at home and working on my household. I was able to really deep clean and organize my space more than ever, get rid of things we don’t use and really focus on the things we want in our living space. I didn’t realize as an adult, I would find so much joy in having my home organized, clean and nontoxic.
I was also able to spend more one on one time with my husband with date nights. We went for 5 years without a single date night away from the kids and it has been nice to find our own connection again. Derrek and I also made a rule to not talk about our children when we are together without the kids, to put our phones down and really connect. It has been a major blessing in our relationship.
My Beautycounter business also grew in more ways than I ever knew possible. I went from a team of 1 a few years ago to a team of over 700 women! It’s been a major blessing for me this last year being able to connect so much with my team and have friendships with people I would not have met if it had not been for this job!
I cannot forget about what amazing things have happened in this space. I connect with so many women on a daily basis that wouldn’t happen with out my social media accounts. I downloaded Tiktok and became addicted to the point that I have to set time limits for how much I use it, haha! But I learned how I want my brand to be on that platform and have fun with it! The biggest perk to growing a lot more this year has got to be that I have been able to have more brand collaborations with people I never thought would even think twice about me and notice me! When I started this space, it was to journal my health journey… I had no idea it would turn into this!
I don’t have the mention the state of the world in 2020 but speaking personally I cannot say that it was that horrible. I had to cancel a few trips, make changes to my schedule when the kids were in virtual….. OK, that’s it! What didn’t go well for us was virtual learning. The teachers were great but my kids hated it. I am so glad that we found a better fit so there is a silver lining there. I also had to draw many boundaries with people I know in 2020. It was most sad to see how mean people got this past year and the level of disrespect people try to create. 2020 helped show me the not so good people and created ways for us to part ways.
I am working on several new businesses and I will leave it at that. You’ll know more about them when it’s time but please pray for us in the meantime. I am also working on streamlining all of the work that I do to maximize my time. I am most interested in staying organized and commiting to the things that I know need to happen for my businesses to thrive.
I am also working on spending more time doing the things I love and trying new things. Life is to short! I am going to learn how to do things I don’t know how to do and also try things I’ve never done before. I don’t want to look back on my life and think that I didn’t take all the opportunity I had placed in front of me.
I am also planning on an overnight trip away with just Derrek and myself in 2021! We have never both been away together from the kids and it is about dang time! I don’t know where the trip will be but there will be a trip and I bet it will be glorious!
I am working on being a better wife, mom, friend and mentor. Sometimes it’s easy to cop out and say that the world is busy and that’s why I am the way I am but I really don’t want to be that person. I am committed to doing better in the lives of others around me.
I AM WORKING ON NOT BEING OFFENDED. Ya heard me. Just because someone does or says something doesn’t mean I need to take offense. That is their issue and not mine, why am I so bothered? This year, I am focused hard to correct this behavioral issue I have.
doing good. I want to be the good that I see in the world and with focused actions, that can happen.
What is your year in review? Share with me on the comments of this post for a surprise gift from me. Winner announced Sunday.

One Comment
I love this! And I can relate to so much of what you said. Like boundaries and hardly ever being away from my kids!
What went well was me learning that happiness comes from within and to forgive and look at the world with kindness (not that I didn’t before, it’s just at another level and understanding). Another good thing was my family and I were able to travel to different parts of Italy and also Paris. I also went back to blogging. Something else that went well is that I have always homeschooled my daughters so we weren’t really affected by anything.
What didn’t go well was my husbands deployments and my broken foot at the beginning of the year lol
What I’m working on in 2021 is be a better mother, wife, friend. Spread love through social media as well. Continue working on my YouTube channel and blog. Meet financial goals and hopefully travel more of Europe this year.