Baltic Mermaid – TEETHING 101

Happy Humpday ya’ll! I am so stoked that we are half way through the week. I have some big plans for this weekend that include starting our raised bed gardens and the weekend can’t come soon enough. (I’ll be sure to keep ya’ll updated on our gardens as we go!) This week, all the kids have been in school – thank GOODNESS the flu has finally left our house – and so that means it’s just been me and my Mercy girl. She has seriously been the best baby and I am so thankful that she has been because have you met my 3rd child, haha! Lately, she’s gotten a little more fussy than she’s ever been and I know what’s right around the corner. Her first tooth.
The world of teething is hard. Trust me, I remember when my first child, Nolan, had his first tooth break through. My husband was at our old church with the youth group for a Super Bowl party and Nolan was a fussy, feverish, drooling mess. He cried like he never cried before and I knew that something was off. I started feeling in his mouth and this sharp pointy thing made me have an “ah ha” moment. He was getting his first tooth. As a new mom, I was blindsided. I didn’t know what to do to help him so I started researching. This led me to find Baltic Amber teething necklaces. I love using baltic amber teething necklaces for teething and I have with all four of my children.
They help so much, cut back on the drooling and really overall issues with pain associated with the teething. I do not trust all brands of teething necklaces ad I am very particular about which ones I recommend because a lot of the ones that are sold are fake. I also suggest buying the lightest shades of amber because those are most impactful when it comes to helping with the pain. You can read all about the benefits of baltic amber by clicking here. The brand that I love is called, Baltic Mermaid. These are handmade jewelry and crystals chosen with love by a momma in Southern California. Baltic Mermaid was created with an appreciation for natural healing remedies and a passion for bringing peace to fussy babies and tired parents. Their unique line of Baltic Amber jewelry and Crystals offer natural healing remedies for children and adults. I love the many styles that they offer and supporting another mom in her business is another big “YES” in my book. Use code: LITTLESOUTH for 15% off your purchase from Baltic Mermaid!