Why I Strive to Live a Purpose-Drive Life + Ways You Can As Well
Why do I strive to lead a purpose-driven life? First, I want to fully explain what a purpose-driven life is. Living a life of purpose simply means to exist with an intent. What that intent is can be different for us all. Look past your every day responsibilities and that’s where your real purpose of living lies. To make this a reality, you have to start waking up everyday with it in the forefront of your mind. Remember your goals. Whatever it is that you find yourself thinking about even when you’re not putting your brain on it is often the purpose we have. I have struggled for so long trying to figure out what my purpose is and it’s been right in front of my face the entire time.
As I mentioned before, we all have a purpose for our lives. One might be vastly different than another but it is important to take whatever small thing you’re holding on to, plant it in your garden (your mind) and water it (with good thoughts and intentions) so you can always have it. It’s going to grow it’s just a matter of when. There are a few ways that I personally focus on living that greatly help keep my eyes on the end goal and help me make better decisions that will ultimately get me closer.
- Lead with a helping heart. Most of the things I’ve experienced that line up with my purpose are connected to helping other people. For me, it wasn’t something I felt comfortable doing and it has helped me get outside of my comfort zone and actually do something positive for someone else.
2. Organize your life. This might seem out of left field but it is NOT. I can assure you that living in disorganization will prevent you from tackling things that will lead to your goals. Organization also affects our mental health and if we are not in a good head space, how can live our true purpose? It can be tackling that junk drawer, getting your bills all on auto pay or organizing your purse, pick somewhere and make it a prority to get organized.
3. Go after your passions. If you’re living every day doing things you don’t love, you’re living in a negative headspace and that will take a damaging toll on your body and your goal to living a purpose-driven life. When you are passionate about something, you can feel fulfilled no matter how hard the work load is.
4. Be better than you were the day before. What does this mean exactly? It means taking whatever day you had yesterday and striving to do BETTER in your life the next day and then the next day doing better than that. It could be a very small change that you make every single day that will add up to something great. When you focus on being better you tend to live a better life. Have you ever heard of “what you think about, you bring about?”
5. be able to self-audit. To be better you have to take a look inside of you and ask yourself what could you do better. You are the only one that fully knows what it takes for you to be better so being honest with yourself is a huge key. If you’re doing something that is negative, why are you doing it and how can you change it? Being mature enough to change the things that aren’t getting you closer to your goal will help you more Than you know.
In my opinion, living with purpose is the only way to truly LIVE. Living one day to the next with no over all goals or purpose really doesn’t do anything for anyone. You’ll find yourself lost and unhappy more often than not. Focus on leading with purpose in your life and see how things start to change. Please feel free to share things that you’ve done that have made a positive impact in your life and leading with purpose.