Welcoming Autumn
dress | scarf | socks | bangles* | boots
*use code: LITTLESOUTHERNLIFE for 20% off
I love wearing dresses, and fall is the perfect time for them! This time of year is perfectly breezy, and with the help of knee socks and a blanket scarf, I’m ready to run errands and grab lunch with some friends. I really like this dress because it is decently priced, super soft, HAS POCKETS, and comes in different colors. I might have gotten them all! I have fallen in love with boot socks and my riding boots. I’ve wanted a pair of riding boots for a long time, so last year Derrek got them for me as a gift. I really like the quality of these and everyone that has them says that they have kept them for years!
In the fall, we all go outside as much as possible. We have been participating in every activity we can and wondering how October has flown by so quickly! The kids make daily trips to the park, if not with us, with their babysitter. Thank goodness for the sitter because now we are able to have focused hours of work and times to focus directly on the kids versus trying to do all of that at once! This morning we all went on a family walk and enjoyed each other’s company without checking emails or talking business. It was such a great release for all of us and such a great way to start our Monday. The kids wanted to hang out with their Mimi when we walked to her house so Derrek and I ran back home. I am so sore I swear I had to come home and do yoga just to get some relief! I have a feeling that when the weather turns from pleasant to freezing the kids and myself will go stir crazy indoors. If you have any fun indoor crafts or activities you do with your children please share them!
I’ve linked a few of my favorite riding boots below.
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*Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post, and I shop these boutiques in real life. I did receive these items as samples to review, but my opinions are completely my own.*