Switching to Safer Beauty is Easy as One, Two, Three
About three years ago, I researched what ingredients are commonly used in makeup and became absolutely horrified! Things like parabens, fragrance, PEGs were listed my “ALL NATURAL” and “ORGANIC” products and their side affects are a mile long! It first it scared me, then it made me furious. Why would our government allow this? Then it all clicked. MONEY! If we as a nation became healthy and didn’t have health problems, it would put a lot of people out of business. This would also keep us from having to constantly make trips to the doctor for new medications for all of our medical problems. The US only bans 30 ingredients in our beauty products when Europe bans over 1400! How is this even possible? Why doesn’t our government see that our health is important?
Along my path for healthy makeup, I conversed with a friend that is a Beautycounter consultant. I tried a few products from her and fell in love. Not only with the products but the Beautycounter mission. Little by little, I transitioned my beauty products over and I’ve never looked back! The fact that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 40 years ago it was 1 in 20 is hard to take in. Science is increasingly pointing to environmental links to this disease and other diseases and disorders, I believe it is important to do what we can to prevent these diseases. I’m proud to represent Beautycounter and their mission to move the market away from toxic chemical use and toward, cleaner, safer, greener chemicals. They created a list of 1,500 chemicals that will never be used in products because these chemicals are linked to cancer, hormone disruption, and other health issues. Better ingredients and more transparency in good for everyone. This is a company that I LOVE and respect because of their movements towards getting safer products into the hands of everyone. I always let Harper “do her makeup” when I am putting mine on and I love that I KNOW for a fact that there is nothing toxic being applied to her skin.
Now, I hope I’ve inspired you to take your health into your own hands and find out exactly what toxins are lurking in your products. Visit the EWG website and type them in and see for yourself! I would love to help you on your path to a more non toxic lifestyle. Please email me or visit my website if you have any questions.