How to Help Your Makeup Stay Put in the Heat of the Summer

As hot and humid as it gets in South Carolina, I have to keep tricks up my sleeve to help my makeup stay in one place. And I know I am not the only one because my DMs are poppin’ with questions about keeping makeup in place!
FYI: I’m not a makeup artist. I am a mom of five… learner of things and sharer of what I learn.
Here are just a few tips for your makeup to last all day:
✅Don’t go straight from applying your skincare to putting on makeup. Your skin needs a little time to absorb what you’re doing so give it a good 10 minutes between skincare and makeup applications.
✅Use a setting powder. A pea sized amount of a Mattifying Powder to set your face after applying your makeup will help your makeup stay in place.
✅Start small. You can always add more but you can’t take away. Using too much makeup causes it to not set properly and slide around.

Try using these simple tips in your makeup routine and see how they help!
Comment below your favorite ways to keep makeup in place on hot and humid days!