• Kids

    Everyday playroom session: confession of a SAHWM

    Nolan’s shirt | Harper’s shirt | pants | Scarlet Reese’s onsie In case you didn’t know, working at home with your kids is ridiculously hard. At the end of every single day, I am exhausted and amazed at all of the tasks I have accomplished. Some days, more things have been checked off of my to-do list than others but that’s just the way life goes. There’s nothing you can do to stop a girl that is on fire. That’s what I speak to all of my ladies on my team and to myself as a pep talk. I have goals and I refuse to push them to the sidelines…

  • Fashion

    Trendy Teething Necklaces

    Harper’s necklace | my necklace The weekends are when I feel like I have my life together. That’s when Derrek is home, the house is clean and I have help with the kids. We always head out somewhere on a family adventure and I actually look put together for once. For those that think I try to post like I have “the perfect life” all I can do is laugh. It’s so far from the truth. Today has been a complete S-show and I swear, I’ve cried multiple times over not being able to accomplish anything. I had some super witty mumble-jumbo written for this post and I just deleted…

  • Lifestyle

    Fall Family Pictures

    I explored past posts on my blog the other day and even took a stroll down my “meet Amanda” page. It needed some updating so I decided that there is no better time than now to do so! So much has happened in the last almost two years since I began blogging. We’ve traveled, grown our businesses and welcomed a another little one to our tribe. I’ve grown as a person, mom, wife and friend during that time as well. I cannot believe that just two years ago this was all a dream and not yet formed. Every single day, I learn something new and I love being able to…

  • Fashion,  Kids

    Colored Organics for Kids

    I really love finding great quality clothing for my littles. There is nothing worse than purchasing something for them to wear and knowing that the fabric is itchy, rough or just uncomfortable. I refuse to lower my standards for them and I would never allow them to wear something that I wouldn’t wear myself. I remember as a young child being forced by my mom to wear uncomfortable clothing and I hated it! I will never forget how angry it made me to be forced to wear something that was hard to move around in or scratchy. Thankfully, now that I am a mom, I have found clothing that we…

  • Fashion,  Kids

    Indigo Babies

    Harper’s dress | shoes | Nolan’s shirt | shorts | shoes Raising indigo babies in a modern world can take a lot of work. Our society wants us to conform to what it considers normal, and I say to heck with that! I want my kids to keep their free-spirited souls just like they are and not try and fit them into a mold. Indigo children are born feeling and KNOWING that they are special; they know that they should be as they are and expect everyone else to realize it. In this sense, they are more confident and often defy authority unless they feel like they have a say in…