
  • Pets

    Non Toxic Swaps: Don’t Forget Our Furry Friends!

    This post is in partner with Kavella. If you click through a link on this post and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no additional charge to you. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. Did you know that mainstream shampoo can have harmful chemicals in it that can have negative health effects for your pet? Just like mainstream shampoo for humans, toxic ingredients (like carcinogens and endocrine disruptors) in pet shampoo can have negative effects on your pets which is why it’s important to use non-toxic products on our furry friends too! Dogs actually have thinner skin…

  • Pets

    Fine Dine the K9

    This post is in partner with The Farmer’s Dog. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. Whoa, this week really did FLY by. As promised, I’ve focused on sharing Christmas gift ideas for everyone. I don’t want to exclude certain members of the family and that means our four legged loves. We have had our dog, Doc for almost 7 years and he means the world to us. He is a schnauzer poodle mix (snoodle) and we saved him from a puppy mill.  I will never forget the feeling of spending pretty much the entirety of my bank account to buy him because…