
  • Health

    I took a break this summer…

     AM SURE THAT YOU NOTICED. Or maybe you didn’t because you decided to take a step back too. Either way, I did this because looking back at the last few years I realize how much stress I held in my life by trying to do it all. I have this desire to accomplish all the things I know I  C A N  do and it has ruled my day to day. God has really been working on my heart to stop leaning into that desire and focus on more of what he has planned for me.  The biggest thing that I realized is that my phone was taking a huge priority over…

  • Fitness,  Health


    When you think of your children, do you think about how active they are? The average child is on a screen of some sort for 4-6 hours a day and teens heading up into 9 hours. That’s a lot of time to have them stuck in technology and can ultimately lead to a plethora of problems. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychology states that the following issues are associated with higher screen times: As screen time becomes more and more common, children are spending less time outside and most importantly actively moving their bodies. By children being active from a young age, it really helps them maintain a…

  • Health,  Home

    Cleaning Up Our Laundry Products

    Just because I am super passionate about something, doesn’t mean that my husband will be. I found this out when I started working on cleaning up our laundry products. Derrek fought me hard on these switches and really didn’t understand until we watched a documentary called Stink! on Netflix. I’ve tried many, many, MANY laundry products that are nontoxic and none of them got his seal of approval until we finally found “the one.” Ladies, I am here to save you a lot of time, money and complaining from your spouse on this swap. When I personally started making swaps to nontoxic, my process was a lot different than it…

  • Health

    Why I Make Cold Plunging A Priority

    I started cold plunging last fall and I’ve seen major benefits of doing it consistently. What is cold plunging?Cold plunging, also known as cold therapy and cryotherapy, is essentially using cold temperatures for health benefits. Although you may just now be hearing of this practice, this type of therapy has been used for hundreds of years to decrease pain, improve recovery, and to improve overall health. What are the benefits of cold therapy?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀When you take the plunge into your cold plunge pool, the chilled water instantly numbs the nerves that surround your joints and muscles, causing the release of hormones and endorphins. The release of hormones and endorphins acts as…

  • Fitness,  Health

    How I Support My Digestion and Gut Health

    Let’s face it, digestion and gut health are hot topics right now, and rightfully so.  I’m sure you’ve heard at least one person talking about “gut health” as it is a term that is quickly increasing among the medical and food industry. The “gut” refers to your gastrointestinal (GI) system and more specifically, the term relates to the health of multiple aspects within that system such as the effective digestion and absorption of food, the absence of GI related illnesses, normal intestinal bacteria, and effective immunity. This PubMed article says that, “any impairment of the GI barrier can increase the risk of developing infectious, inflammatory and functional GI diseases, as…